Voting is now closed.

Voting for the 2024 M&IT Awards is open and you are able to vote in your chosen categories, which are listed below. Don’t worry, none of the awards categories are mandatory, so you can vote for as many or as few as you like, however, you cannot vote for the same organisation in more than three categories.

Suppliers are permitted to vote or self-nominate in the following judged categories:
Positive Impact/Event Legacy | Best Sustainable Initiative | Diversity and Inclusion Award

Voting prize: Everyone who casts at least one vote in the 2024 M&IT Awards will be entered into our prize draw to win a luxury trip to Bergen, Norway.

You can find the full voting rules and the award categories in the drop-downs below, if you wish to browse the options before starting your submissions. Once you are ready to make your votes, hit the button below.

Awards Categories

Voted for by event organisers

Voting Prize

We’ve teamed up with the Bergen Convention Bureau and Innovation Norway to award one lucky voter with a trip for two, to Bergen, Norway.

To be in with a chance of winning, all you need to do is vote!

Decided by our panel of judges, voted for by event organisers & suppliers

Things to Consider